The paper size is A4, 3 to 8 pages maximum.
There are no page numbers, headers or footers within the paper.
Text is single spaced, not double spaced.
All fonts are embedded.
All pages are portrait (landscape pages should be rotated).
The paper includes the author’s name(s) and affiliation(s) (full address including country).
All articles must contain an reviewed abstract by the Conference LOC.
All figures and tables should be numbered in numerical order. Please ensure that figure/table numbers are not duplicated or missed.
Figures are legible and placed within the text, not collected at the end of the document.
If section headings are numbered, ensure that they are numbered numerically, and no numbers are duplicated or missing.
Displayed equations should follow a naming convention in numerical order, i.e. (1), (2), (3) e.t.c or by section, i.e. (1.1), (1.2) etc. Ensure every displayed equation has its own number and none are duplicated or missing.
Reference lists are checked for accuracy.
If numbering references (APA system) ensure that references are numbered numerically, every reference has its own number and no numbers are duplicated or missing.
Ensure that all references are cited in the text and that all citations have a corresponding reference.
Finally, please ensure that the paper is thoroughly proofread to check the standard of English and ensure wording is clear and concise